WossiDiA-PowerGraph - REST-API

Version 0.3.93 (2024-06-11 23:46)

Returns Path Description Path Parameters Request Parameters
text/html /
application/json /catalog Returns the entire WossiDiA-PowerGraph catalog. types
application/json /catalog/datatypes Returns all WossiDiA-PowerGraph data types.
application/json /catalog/datatype/{dataType} Returns a specific data type. dataType
application/json /catalog/nodetypes Returns all WossiDiA-PowerGraph node types. sup
application/json /catalog/nodetype/{nodeType} Returns the specified WossiDiA-PowerGraph node type. nodeType sup
application/json /catalog/edgetypes Returns all WossiDiA-PowerGraph edge types. sup
application/json /catalog/edgetype/{edgeType} Returns the specified WossiDiA-PowerGraph edge type. edgeType sup
application/json /nodes/{type} Obtains all nodes of the specified type. type
application/json /nodes/{type}/{cond} Obtains nodes of the specified type with the specified condition. type
application/json /node/{id} Obtains the node with the specified PowerGraph ID. id format
application/json /node/{type}/{id} Obtains the node with the specified type and internal ID. type
application/json /nodebysig/{sig} Obtains the node with the specified WossiDiA signature. sig format
application/json /edges/{type} Obtains all edges of the specified type. type edgeAttrs
application/json /edges/{type}/{cond} Obtains edges of the specified type with the specified condition. type
application/json /edge/{id} Obtains the edge with the specified ID. id
application/json /graph/{pnid}/{path} Obtains a graph, starting from a single pivot node, expanding using a path expression. pnid
application/json /isebel/index/{expr} ISEBEL index access for story faceted search requests, returning IDs (and index data) for stories matching the search criteria and facets specified. expr word
application/xml /isebel/story/{id} ISEBEL record document access for story faceted search results, returning XML data for the story specified. id
application/json /fieldnamesRecordDenotationSearch Performs a full-text search on the fieldname attributes of all fn_record nodes and returns the IDs of the fn_denotation nodes, associated via egdetype fn_record_denotation and/or fn_record_denotation_preferred . expr
application/json /mwb/article/{dict}/{id} MWB article node access with WBN-specific enhancements, returning JSON data for the article specified. dict
application/json /auth Requests an authentication token, which is used for PowerGraph update operations. role
application/json /update/nodeCreate Creates an empty node. auth
application/json /update/nodeModify Updates a node's attribute value. auth
application/json /update/edgeCreate Creates an edge. auth
application/json /audio/upload Story audio transcript upload. storyId

Returned document type:

Returns the entire WossiDiA-PowerGraph catalog.

Request parameters:
  • boolean types (not required, default: false )
    Include data types.
  • String sup (not required, default: id )
    Node/edge type expansion on the superior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • String inf (not required, default: id )
    Node/edge type expansion on the inferior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • String exp (not required, default: id )
    Role node types expansion.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • boolean inheritedAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include inherited attributes.
  • boolean inheritedRoles (not required, default: true )
    Include inherited roles.
Returned document type:

Returns all WossiDiA-PowerGraph data types.

Returned document type:


Returns a specific data type.

Path parameters:
  • String dataType (required)
    Data type name.
Returned document type:

Returns all WossiDiA-PowerGraph node types.

Request parameters:
  • String sup (not required, default: id )
    Node type expansion on the superior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • String inf (not required, default: id )
    Node type expansion on the inferior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • boolean inheritedAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include inherited node attributes.
Returned document type:


Returns the specified WossiDiA-PowerGraph node type.

Path parameters:
  • String nodeType (required)
    Node type ID or name.
Request parameters:
  • String sup (not required, default: id )
    Node type expansion on the superior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • String inf (not required, default: id )
    Node type expansion on the inferior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • boolean inheritedAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include inherited node attributes.
Returned document type:

Returns all WossiDiA-PowerGraph edge types.

Request parameters:
  • String sup (not required, default: id )
    Edge type expansion on the superior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • String inf (not required, default: id )
    Edge type expansion on the inferior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • String exp (not required, default: id )
    Role node types expansion.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • boolean inheritedAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include inherited edge attributes.
  • boolean inheritedRoles (not required, default: true )
    Include inherited roles.
Returned document type:


Returns the specified WossiDiA-PowerGraph edge type.

Path parameters:
  • String edgeType (required)
    Edge type ID or name.
Request parameters:
  • String sup (not required, default: id )
    Edge type expansion on the superior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • String inf (not required, default: id )
    Edge type expansion on the inferior axis.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • String exp (not required, default: id )
    Role node types expansion.
    ID Include ID(s) and name(s) of referenced types only (default).
    FULL Include full information for referenced types.
    TREE Include full information for the whole tree of referenced types.
  • boolean inheritedAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include inherited edge attributes.
  • boolean inheritedRoles (not required, default: true )
    Include inherited roles.
Returned document type:


Obtains all nodes of the specified type.

Path parameters:
  • String type (required)
    Node type ID or name.
Returned document type:


Obtains nodes of the specified type with the specified condition.

Path parameters:
  • String type (required)
    Node type ID or name.
  • String cond (required)
    Selection condition for nodes, based on their attributes, IDs, and properties; for syntax see {@link Condition}.
Returned document type:


Obtains the node with the specified PowerGraph ID.

Path parameters:
  • String id (required)
    Node ID.
Request parameters:
  • String format (not required, default: json )
    Node attribute output format: "json", "text".
Returned document type:


Obtains the node with the specified type and internal ID.

Path parameters:
  • String type (required)
    Node type ID or name.
  • String id (required)
    Internal node ID.
Request parameters:
  • String format (not required, default: json )
    Node attribute output format: "json", "text".
Returned document type:


Obtains the node with the specified WossiDiA signature.

Path parameters:
  • String sig (required)
    Node signature.
Request parameters:
  • String format (not required, default: json )
    Node attribute output format: "json", "text".
Returned document type:


Obtains all edges of the specified type.

Path parameters:
  • String type (required)
    Edge type ID or name.
Request parameters:
  • String edgeAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include edge attributes.
  • String edgeLinks (not required, default: true )
    Include edge links.
  • String linkAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include link attributes.
  • String nodeAttrs (not required, default: false )
    Include linked nodes' attributes.
  • String nodeSigs (not required, default: false )
    Include linked nodes' signatures.
  • String nodeNats (not required, default: false )
    Include linked nodes' text representations.
  • String format (not required, default: json )
    Node attribute input format: "json", "text".
Returned document type:


Obtains edges of the specified type with the specified condition.

Path parameters:
  • String type (required)
    Edge type ID or name.
  • String cond (required)
    Selection condition for edges, based on their attributes, IDs, and properties; for syntax see {@link Condition}.
Returned document type:


Obtains the edge with the specified ID.

Path parameters:
  • String id (required)
    Edge ID.
Returned document type:


Obtains a graph, starting from a single pivot node, expanding using a path expression.

Path parameters:
  • String pnid (required)
    Pivot node ID.
  • String path (required)
    Graph-building path expression.
Request parameters:
  • String nodeAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include node attributes.
  • String edgeAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include edge attributes.
  • String linkAttrs (not required, default: true )
    Include link attributes.
  • String graphStats (not required, default: false )
    Include graph statistics.
  • String fullEdges (not required, default: true )
    Include all nodes in the edges, even those not affected by the edges.
Returned document type:


ISEBEL index access for story faceted search requests, returning IDs (and index data) for stories matching the search criteria and facets specified.

Path parameters:
  • String expr (required)
    Search expression, separated by space.
Request parameters:
  • String word (not required)
    Filter: Keywords, separated by space.
  • String place (not required)
    Filter: Place names, separated by space.
  • String person (not required)
    Filter: Person names, separated by space.
  • String gender (not required)
    Filter: Genders specified, 'm', 'f', any spaces.
  • String yearMin (not required)
    Filter: Earliest year.
  • String yearMax (not required)
    Filter: Latest year.
  • String inclNoYear (not required, default: true )
    Filter: Include stories with no year specified (boolean).
  • String data (not required, default: false )
    Return index data along with story IDs (boolean).
  • String limit (not required)
    Result set limit.
Returned document type:


ISEBEL record document access for story faceted search results, returning XML data for the story specified.

Path parameters:
  • String id (required)
    ID or type-internal ID of story (int).
Returned document type:

Performs a full-text search on the fieldname attributes of all fn_record nodes and returns the IDs of the fn_denotation nodes, associated via egdetype fn_record_denotation and/or fn_record_denotation_preferred .

Request parameters:
  • String expr (required)
    Search terms.
  • boolean preferred (not required, default: true )
    Search preferred denotations instead of general denotations.
  • boolean caseSensitive (not required, default: false )
    Case sensitive search.
  • int minLength (not required, default: 2 )
    Minimum length of individual search terms (1+).
  • int limit (not required, default: 10 )
    Maximum search results count, 0 = unlimited.
Returned document type:


MWB article node access with WBN-specific enhancements, returning JSON data for the article specified.

Path parameters:
  • String dict (required)
    Use either "MeckWB" for volumes 1-6 or "MeckWBN" for volume 7.
  • String id (required)
    WBN ID (int).
Returned document type:

Requests an authentication token, which is used for PowerGraph update operations.

Request parameters:
  • String role (required)
    Role ID to be authenticated.
  • String pass (required)
    Password for role.
Returned document type:
Returned document description:
Authentication token for PowerGraph update operations, which is valid for 20 seconds after request or its most recent successful use.

Creates an empty node.

Request parameters:
  • String auth (required)
    Authentication token.
  • String format (not required, default: json )
    Node attribute input format: "json", "text".
  • String json (required)
    JSON specification of node.

    Pattern :

       "type": <type>,
       "attrs": {
          "<eid>": <val>,

    ...with :

    <type> ... Node type ID or name, e.g.: 11 or "am_person"
    <eid>  ... Node attribute composite ID, e.g.: 11.2
    <val>  ... JSON representation of node attribute value

Returned document type:

Updates a node's attribute value.

Request parameters:
  • String auth (required)
    Authentication token.
  • String id (required)
    Node ID.
  • String attr (required)
    Attribute ID or name.
  • String value (required)
    Attribute value as JSON.
Returned document type:

Creates an edge.

Request parameters:
  • String auth (required)
    Authentication token.
  • String json (required)
    JSON specification of edge.

    Pattern :

       "type": <type>,
       "attrs": {
          "<eid>": <val>,
       "links": [
             "role": <rid>,
             "node": <nid>,
             "attrs": {
                "<lid>": <val>,

    ...with :

    <type> ... Edge type ID or name, e.g.: 1019 or "am_person"
    <eid>  ... Edge attribute composite ID, e.g.: 2.4
    <lid>  ... Link attribute composite ID, e.g.: 7.1.2
    <val>  ... JSON representation of attribute value
    <rid>  ... Composite role ID, e.g.: 1019.3
    <nid>  ... Linked node ID, e.g. 100001042

Returned document type:

Story audio transcript upload.

Request parameters:
  • String storyId (required)
    Story ID (int).
  • String langCode (required)
    Audio language: 'deu', 'nds', 'eng', etc.
  • String audioData (required)
    Audio data (Base64).
Returned document type: